Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Illegal Immigration

"In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American. There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people." - President Theodore Roosevelt

Americans must wonder what happened to this common sense approach advocated by President Roosevelt. Is it that it makes too much sense? Or is it just to simple? While it is true that the U.S. is a nation of immigrants we are also a nation of laws. No matter what side of this issue you fall, it is a most difficult one. I’ve been taught to love my neighbor and Mexico is our neighbor, but I'm also a realist and know that the current predicament we find ourselves in must be addressed, and soon.

No one can honestly deny the contributions made by immigrants to the U.S. We can look recently at Intel, founded by Hungarian Andy Grove. Google, founded by Russian Sergey Brin. Yahoo, founded by Jerry Yang of Taiwan. Microsystems, founded by Andreas Bechtolsheim of Germany, and the list goes on and on. But let’s not be confused by the term ‘immigrant’ with that of 'illegal immigrant,' they are very different.

Many in this country tell us that the illegal’s are willing to do jobs that most Americans won’t do. While that may be true to some extent the following raids last year at the Swift & Co. plant in Greeley, Colorado, where some 260 illegal aliens were arrested, hundreds of American citizens lined up seeking those jobs, (paying on average $9 an hour) prove different. Twenty years ago the average wage within the meat packing industry was closer to $20 an hour. It’s the same with the construction field. Once it was an industry paying a living wage today many of the available jobs pay less than $10 an hour.

There are those who tell us that illegal’s are paying more in tax dollars then they are taking out of the system. Hardly. The cost of health care alone is rising faster then any other industry. Hospitals are closing, emergency rooms are shutting down and health insurance rates are double and even tripping due to the direct effect of increased costs from services given to illegal aliens.

While researching for this article I came upon the following: "In a recent year in Colorado, the state's emergency Medicaid program paid an estimated $30 million in hospital and physician delivery costs for about 6,000 illegal immigrant mothers - average of $5,000 per baby. Those 6,000 births to illegal aliens represent 40% of the births paid for by Medicaid in Colorado. Those 6,000 babies immediately became U.S. citizens and qualified for full Medicaid services, with a cost yet to be tabulated."

From California to Florida the reports continue to show the same dilemma and there are far too many to list here. The numbers add up to over $20 billion a year in unpaid health care. Granted this isn’t all from illegal immigrates, but let’s be conservative and say only 25% of it is, which means over $5 billion a year!

Then there’s the education problem. Our children are packed in over-crowded class rooms because of illegal immigration in many parts of the country, like where I live in Southern California. It is unfair to our own children.

There’s also the crime issue. This has been coming to light in the recent years due to the increase in illegal immigration. A study completed by researcher Deborah Schurman-Kauflin of the Violent Crimes Institute in Atlanta estimate there are over 200,000 illegal immigrant sex offenders in the U.S. and that some 100 cross the border every day. This alone should make every American citizen want the borders closed and it's impossible to tabulate the cost in police services, courts and the many broken people/families that are the direct result of this invasion.

What about the drug trade which puts billions of dollars into the hands of organized crime? We close the border and the problem will be drastically reduced. And let’s not forget the diseases which are brought into the country by illegals. Infections of Tuberculosis, which was close to eradication in the U.S., are on the rise. The West Nile Virus, unknown in the U.S. prior to 1999, has been found in 43 states according to the CDC. Chagas disease, common in Latin America where some 16 million are infected, has made its way to the U.S. Even the pro-immigration NY Times stated back in 2002, "The wide swath that West Nile has cut in just three years illustrates how vulnerable the United States is to imported diseases."

Then there’s the really BIG issue, terrorism. Our Intel services have known for some time that terrorists are trying to infiltrate our southern borders with WMD’s. If we leave things the way they are it will only be a matter of time before they’re successful. If this were to happen the rest of our concerns would become irrelevant.

The chairman of the Senate Immigration, Border Security and Citizenship Subcommittee, Senator Edward Kennedy stated shortly before taking this office, regarding the illegal immigration issue, "This is reminiscent of the civil rights movement." I think this says it all as to where he stands on this issue and what we can expect from any bills on immigration from his office. As we all know the 'bipartisan' bill he and senator John McCain presented was nothing more then AMNESTY!

We tried amnesty some 20 years ago under the Reagan administration. At the time the congress failed to secure the borders or enforce our current immigration laws and we ended up where we are today, with some 20 plus million illegal immigrants. If we do it again we’re asking for another giant wave of immigrants.

Now the answers are not to deny medical care to anyone. This would be completely unacceptable, and I know that the majority of people who are entering our country illegally are only trying to better their situation, but the answer to this epidemic is keeping illegal aliens out in the first place and deporting those who have already entered illegally. It’s also imperative to have a ‘guest worker’ program, but not one that rewards those who have broken our laws.

I know this seems harsh and would, if enacted, break-up families, but understand that most illegal actions do the same. If we continue to reward illegal immigrants our health care industry and education system will eventually collapse.

Monday, September 1, 2008

The Paradigm of Radical Islam

Radical Islam’s Paradigm, or World View, is very different from our own. For the most part the paradigm of the West is we want to live in peace. To raise our families in security. Basically, to live and let live, as the saying goes. Gee, almost sounds like the paradigm that this great country was founded upon. But there’s something rotten in Denmark, or more precise, in Iran and the majority of the Middle East.

It is very difficult for us in the West to understand what makes a person want to be a homicide bomber and strap explosives to them in an attempt to kill others. We have nothing to compare to it. I’ve heard people say (Rosie O’Donnell comes to mind) that fundamental Christians are as dangerous as radical Muslims yet you don’t hear about any Christians becoming homicide bombers to bring fear into the hearts of unbelievers. For those who live in Israel the threat of homicide bombers is a daily occurrence.

Since World War I and the fall of the Ottoman Empire Islam has been regulated to second class status. These proud people have had to live under the weight and might of the West for most of the past century. This is certainly no excuse for the atrocities committed but helps our understanding of the burning question, "Why?"

The main points for our discussion today are:

1) Abrogation:

Many of Muhammad’s revelations while in Mecca were peaceful, but once in a position of power his revelations became much more violent and it is claimed by many Muslim leaders and scholars that the latter sayings abrogate the former ones, just as Islam abrogates Christianity and Judaism.

2) The Qur’an and Hadith:

Sura 8:60 "Strike terror (into the hearts of) the enemies of Allah and your enemies."
Sura 9:14 "Fight (kill) them (non Muslims) and Allah will punish (torment) them by your hands, cover them with shame."

Sura 8:12,17 "I will instil terror into the hearts of the unbelievers, smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them. It is not ye who slew them; it was Allah."

Sura 9:123 O ye who believe! Fight the unbelievers...let them find firmness (harshness) in you and know that Allah is with those who fear Him."

It is worth noting that the words "fight" and "kill" appear in the Qur’an more frequently then the word "pray."

Then from the Hadith, revered almost as highly as the Qur’an, a book of Muhammad’s sayings, we find such things as: "Muhammad once was asked: what is the best deed for the Muslim next to believing in Allah and His Prophet? His answer: "To participate in Jihad in Allah’s cause."

3) Jihad:

For millions of Muslims the word Jihad simply means a battle within oneself. To strive or struggle in the way of God. But for the Islamofascist it means much more. First and foremost it is the struggle of converting or subjugating the entire world to Islam, by any means. To eliminate any non Muslims ruling over any lands that use to belong to Islam (they believe it an insult for infidels to control such lands) and is the first step and explains one of the reasons why Israel is such a problem today.

We’ve seen that the wide majority of the millions of Muslims who are peaceful refuse to speak out against the radicals and their atrocities. I’m sure most are scared to condemn such acts and value their own safety. Can’t say that I blame them but I also believe part of it is a belief that if the radicals succeed in destroying their “Western oppressors” they can go about their lives in peace.

You can not compare the former Soviet Union or the current Chinese Marxist regime to that of Iran. The leaders of China and the Soviet Union understand the concept of mutual destruction and don’t see any benefit in being destroyed. Those running Iran, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the mula’s, however, do not have this same fear.

Last year the Official Iranian radio aired a series titled, "Awaiting Redemption," which claimed the imminent return of Islam’s messianic figure, the 12th iman, or Mahdi. It is believed that this Mahdi (who is said to have disappeared as a child in the year 941) is a direct descendant of Muhammad and his appearance in Mecca will lead to a cataclysmic battle against a descendant of Muhammad’s archenemy, Abu Sofyan, in the cities of Kufa and Najaf and his final destruction coming in Jerusalem.

Following this "cataclysmic" battle, peace, justice and security will be ushered in with a global government, "the most perfect ever," according to the broadcast and the belief of millions of Shiite Muslims.

Ahmadinejad has a mystical pre-occupation with this coming messiah and is raising concerns that a nuclear-armed Islamic Republic could trigger the kind of global war that he envisions which will set the stage for the end of the world.

Following Ahmadinejad’s address to the UN in September 2005, during a videotaped meeting in Tehran with Ayatollah Javadi-Amoli, Ahmadinejad discussed what could only be called a paranormal experience during his address stating that he was bathed in a light from heaven throughout the speech. He said that someone within his delegation told him, "When you began with the words ‘in the name of Allah,' I saw a light coming, surrounding you and protecting you to the end."

Ahmadinejad agreed saying, "On the last day when I was speaking, one of our group told me that when I started to say 'Bismillah Muhammad,' he saw a green light come from around me, and I was placed inside this aura. I felt it myself. I felt that the atmosphere suddenly changed, and for those 27 or 28 minutes, all the leaders of the world did not blink. When I say they didn't move an eyelid, I'm not exaggerating. They were looking as if a hand was holding them there, and had just opened their eyes – Alhamdulillah!"

Ahmadinejad lives a very modest life. Reports state that his only assets are a 30 year old car, an even older house and an empty bank account. Ahmadinejad is deadly serious about his religious convictions and the return of the Mahdi.

In 2004 Iran started an institute for the study and dissemination of information about the Mahdi which has influence in the schools and children’s magazines. Iran’s cabinet has given this institute $17 million.

The regime in Iran is indoctrinating its population, including the children, to believe in the Mahdi and his imminent return. Couple this with their radical form of Islam and you’ve got the makings of World War III.